I am so bad about writing on here. It seems that so many times I get so busy doing other stuff and lost in my own head that the thoughts never get here. The last couple of weeks have been crazy ones, and most experiences I wouldn't want to repeat.
On Good Friday a friend of mine had her mother-in-law suddenly pas away. She backed out of her driveway and put her car in park and just died. In retrospect, that is how I would want to go. She was in good health, she didn't have to go through a lingering horrible disease. Boom, she was gone.
And then on Easter Sunday a friend's daughter drowned in their pool. She was just a couple days shy of her 10th birthday. I personally don't know how you get out of bed after something like that happens. A couple of friends and I traveled to Michigan for the funeral. It was a sobering experience to say the least. We tried to make the best of it by doing some geocaching on the way up and the way back. It did seem like we had a hard time finding our spirit though.
We decided to cure that on Saturday though. A couple of us girls had decided we really wanted a girls day of geocaching. And although we let a couple of guys join us we ended up just us girls in the end. We had a crazy day of challenging the guys to see who could find the cache faster. Turned out very well for us. Especially when one of the guys couldn't find a cache that was right next to his head. LOL Poor Tim, good thing he is a good sport.
For the first few days after I got back from my trip it was really hard to get back in the groove of life. I suppose seeing a child's funeral will do that to you. But life must go on and by Wednesday I had an appointment to go see Yani at Indiana Tech to sign up for classes for next semester. So on Thursday afternoon I signed up for my next semester's classes that will take me onto my MBA. In two weeks I will no longer be an Ivy Tech student. So many changes, and most days I feel like I'm hanging on for the ride, and I'm certainly not steering the car.