Saturday, November 16, 2013

Weight loss update

After posting yesterday with the Pintester movement it reminded me that I haven't posted an update in a while about the weight loss. It seems to be going fairly well. Halloween was a bad time as the candy called out to me...but I have still managed to keep losing. Right now I am at a total of 17 lbs lost since I started. I have started to incorporate strength training and I am really curious to see how that helps reshape my body.

Everything else in life seems to be going pretty well. Lindsay is starting to cheer for her new school and is already looking forward to high school. With her heading to high school next year it will mean that it is Adam's senior year and we will be looking to start a whole new chapter with him away at
college. I am not ready for that at all! This year just seems to be going way too fast for me.

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